Hubble Poster Screens

In Hubble we have nice poster screens, associations that are part of our community can request slides to be posted on these screens. With any questions that you have or slides that you want to post you can either email or submit your request below.

Poster Requirements

  • Supported files: .jpg/.png/.mp4 format
  • Dimensions: 16:9 (maximum 3840 × 2160 pixels)
  • Maximum video duration: 30 seconds
  • Maximum file size: 10 MB
  • A clock is placed in the right bottom corner, ensure space and contrast. A color can be chosen for this clock.
  • Details about the alignment can be found in the image below.
  • Your promotion slide will be shown for a period of two weeks or less if the event promoted takes place earlier.
  • Under normal circumstances, we allow a maximum of one slide per association. You can chose to send in more images/videos, then in each rotation of slides only one of those from your association will be shown (this only works if all graphics are either videos or all pictures, not pictures and videos mixed).
  • The board always has the right to deny your request. This can be because the slide is inappropriate/political/rude/etc.

All fields are required.

Default maximum duration of slides is 2 weeks.